martedì 21 dicembre 2010

NFS and VMware ESX


Who use a Linux machine as a repository for vmware?
I try it for a LAB environment. I create a LVM logical volume and than I share it through NFS. I connect it to the ESX and than I try to create a VM. On NFS datastore you cannot create a thin disk, but just thick disk!
I use RedHat Ent 5.5 with local disk formatted in ext3 filesystem.

I create a machine with 4GB HDU and all goes fine. Than I want to create a 40GB vm: Error.!
What's that?

After a little brain storming with me and I.... I find the problem: I create the ext3 filesystem with the default block size : mke2fs -j /dev/...
With this command the filesistem use the default block size 1024 and a max file size 16GB. A VM with a 16GB hdu is too little.

For resolution I reformat the filesystem with the command mke2fs -b 4096 -j /dev/... and now I can create a file of 2TB!!!

Remember the option when you want a repository for a VM.


venerdì 19 novembre 2010

SQL and Exchange on vmware

A very good link collection of SQL and Exchange on vSphere environment.


mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

FileSystem ReadOnly on Linux Virtual MAchine

Hi all,

I find this article that explain the problem of the fesystem that became read only on a SAN issue.



giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

vCli 4.1 new command

Yeterday I tryed some cmmand on the vMA appliance for my study to the VCAP certification.

I Added the test vCenter with vifp addserver and than I want to list the client inside the Virtual Center. The response is here vicfg-hostops -o info --viserver vservertest and it returns the list of the ESX! Great!

On this document I find another great think of vMA for the migration from ESX to ESXi! The ability to kill an hung vm from the cmdline: now with the esxcli vms vm kill you can kill a vm that don't respond from the gui! Very Nice!


venerdì 15 ottobre 2010

NFS export on Virtual DataMover on EMC Celerra

Just a little link for me, and Powerlink is not always easy to use...

First I create the desired folder structure using the Window file share.
Next I ran this command to create the NFS export on the vdm –
“server_export server_2 -Protocol nfs /root_vdm_1/production-FS/unix/nfs1 -option root=,rw=”


giovedì 7 ottobre 2010

vRanger 4.5.3 backup issue after upgrade to vSphere 4.1

Hi All,

last week I upgrade our production farm to vSphere 4.1 ESX, not ESXi.
After the upgrade I reenable the root login over ssh and reenter the credential on the vRanger console for the ESX.

All the backup on 3 of the 5 esx in the cluster fails with this errorFailed to acquire vm lock /vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx242/.vzmutex due to an SSH connection issue.

After some tricks and reserch I found this article that helps me to resolve the issue.

On the 3 esx with the error I remove the direcotry .vzbin under /tmp and than the backup goes fine.


mercoledì 22 settembre 2010

P2V a Domain Controller

This morning I read 2 post about the virtualization of an existing Domain Controller.

The post are these:
- Virtualizing a domain controller, how hard can it be from Gabes Blog
- P2V a domain Controller, why would you from vNinja blog.

My opinion and my experience says that is more simple and secure deploy a new vm and that promote it to a DC, attend the replication process, move the FSMO roles and after all demote the old DC.


giovedì 2 settembre 2010

Session at VmWorld

The vmworld at San Francisco is started on monday.

There are some session for new vCloud Director, but one interested is this for the change from ESX to ESXi or Hypervisor Server.


martedì 31 agosto 2010

VmWare Converter Standalone 4.3

Here the release notes of the new vmware Converter Stanalone. Thee news are the support for vSphere 4.1 and win 2008 R2 for guest, but the bad news is the installation on linux as server is disappered!


Ok I use it only one time but I think the installation on linux permits of lot of people to create a converter cd for free!



venerdì 2 luglio 2010

Strange vmdk disk error

Hi all,
yesterday I had a strange vmdk/LUN failure over an ESX 4 U1.
The vm is a file server with 2 hard disk: 1 for the OS of 10GB and 1 for the data of 300GB. The disk was in thock mode and the vm was the only stored on a LUN of 350GB! You say " OK The LUN has much space for that VM!".

I say: NO! the Lun fills up all the space and the vm goes down! When I received the alarm on the LUN there was only 2Mb of free space!!
The problem was on the second hard disk. It was divided on more subdisk like a snapshot, but there was no snapshot. The other mistake was the provisioned space: the disk was thick so the space provisioned was the same, but see the image below

I search over the kb in vmware and I find 2 article for the solution.
The first is abount the snapshot and the second is about the child disk.

The second article help me to the solution. I cloned the hdu with vmkfstools -i on another LUN and than I change the configuration of the vm adding the new disk instead of the old big hdu!
It was a long time waititng answer! to clone the hdu it takes about 5 hours over a SAN!



giovedì 17 giugno 2010

Strange network issue on FCoE environment

Hi all,
on this month I and my collegues migrate all the virtual infrastructure from EMC CX Clariion SAN to EMC Symmetrix VMAX SAN. On the ESX there was 2 CNA adapter:
- QLogic 8042
- Emulex LP21002
All the 2 interface for the network emulates an 82598EB 10Gigabit AF Dual port. The CNA are connected to Cisco Nexus 5020 switch. For the migration we create a new vSwitch whit all the portgroup and the emulex network for the physical adapter. The issue is the vm not connected to the network after a vmotion. With VMware and many stress test we found that the vm after a vmotion did't make an arp request for register the MAC to the new esx host, so the vm is connected to the virtual switch and another vm on the same esx and portgroup can ping it, but all the physical world can't ping it.

After many task we make a dirty solution: remove the QLOGIC CNA and make all the connection with the EMULEX card. This is the solution for our case! take attention for your environment! make many test and speack with vmware and log, log, log!



venerdì 11 giugno 2010

ESX 4 Update 2

Hi all,

jost a little remind: VmWare released an upgrade of the vSphere infrastructure. Here the Release Notes.


venerdì 28 maggio 2010

End of VMware Server on 2011

Yes! I read this news on Alessandro Perilli's blog. If you have a VMware Server you need to migrate to ESXi or the player!


giovedì 13 maggio 2010

Vmware vDR (Data Recovery) error -3948

Hi All..

Today I reconnect to my costomer where I made an installation very time ago. I see this error on the vDR appliance log for the backup

After a little reserch over the vmware kb I find this result:

The response is for the name resolution: I write the ip of my esx on the /etc/hosts of the vDR aplliance and all goes fine.


mercoledì 5 maggio 2010

Nice article for hot operation over disk on a linux vm

Here a nice post for some operation over a linux vm for add and remove disk and vmdk if the vm is live.



venerdì 23 aprile 2010

a little script powershell

just a little script in powershell.

Today I need to ping all the powered on VM in a little test environment.

Here the script:

# Ping Powered On VM on a VM environment


$VMS = Get-VM | Where { $_.Powerstate -eq "PoweredOn" } | get-vmguest

Foreach ($VM in $VMS){
$OutVideo = "Pinging " + $VM.HostName
$MyIP = $VM.IPAddress
ping $MyIP


venerdì 16 aprile 2010

Are you alive....

Like an heartbeat ping from a cluster...

this post is the first on my new workplace.

I work for a big farm in the IT department. I try to blog some useful tool that I use on my new place.

for now I want to link a good post for use http instead https for the comunication from the VI client and vCenter.
Here the link.

And another way to administer VMWARE Server 2.x.x using the VI client
- Link1
- Link2


venerdì 22 gennaio 2010

Win 7 nice desktop user support tool

Today I use the new tool for win 7 psr.exe Problem Step Recorder. This tool is user from a desktop user for replicate the error and the tool record the action. After it the tool make a file with all the operation and the error code. You simply recive the mail and read what the user does and you save your ears and your brain from the mobile phone!!!

Nice tool.


venerdì 8 gennaio 2010

WinPE 3 and VMware driver

Today I create a new version on my personal resource kit of the WinPE CD. I use WAIK for Win 2008 R2 and Win 7.

I install it on a server Win 2008 R2 inside a virtual machine.
I just go thru the guide. I use the following command for the creation of the image

- copype.cmd x86 c:\winpex86
- copy c:\winpex86\winpe.wim c:\winpex86\ISO\sources\boot.wim
- Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\winpex86\ISO\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\winpex86\mount
Add the driver from the vmware tools directory
- Dism /image:C:\winpex86\mount /Add-Driver /driver:"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\Drivers" /recurse
Dismount the image and save the change
- Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\winpex86\mount\ /Commit
Create the ISO Image
- Oscdimg -n -bC:\winpex86\ C:\winpex86\ISO C:\winpex86\winpex86.iso

Dism is the new tool that comes with Win 7 and Win 2008 R2 and is used to manipulate WIM Image.

Now I turn on a VM with the iso image attached to the cdrom.

The VM has a Network card VMXNET3

and after the boot win winpe I can use it

This is useful because you can also use it with WDS (Windows Deployment Service= and create a custom image with the vmware drivers!

my 2 cents.


lunedì 4 gennaio 2010

Win 2008 R2 VM with PVSCSI boot controller in vSphere 4U1

Today I install a new VM in my test lan. I want to try the new features of the PVSCSI adapter also for boot disk. I install it on my ESXi machine. The creation of the vm is quite simple like next,next...
After power on the VM Win2008 disk don't find any disk for the installation

To load the driver for the disk I use the floppy image connecting the floppy device

and than I select the driver from the Windows installation program

After that I continued the installation until the OS reboots.
On the first boot I install the VMware Tools for all the driver.

That's all.

Just a little tips
The first time that I want to find the directory /vmimages in the Datastore I don't fint it! I log in over SSH and than I make a Simbolic link from the datastore directory to the original directory with this command
datastore# ln -s /vmimages vmimages
I think is a problem with ESXi. I don't have a ESX machine for check this issue. After the link I can connect the floppy image and all goes fine.
