venerdì 23 aprile 2010

a little script powershell

just a little script in powershell.

Today I need to ping all the powered on VM in a little test environment.

Here the script:

# Ping Powered On VM on a VM environment


$VMS = Get-VM | Where { $_.Powerstate -eq "PoweredOn" } | get-vmguest

Foreach ($VM in $VMS){
$OutVideo = "Pinging " + $VM.HostName
$MyIP = $VM.IPAddress
ping $MyIP


venerdì 16 aprile 2010

Are you alive....

Like an heartbeat ping from a cluster...

this post is the first on my new workplace.

I work for a big farm in the IT department. I try to blog some useful tool that I use on my new place.

for now I want to link a good post for use http instead https for the comunication from the VI client and vCenter.
Here the link.

And another way to administer VMWARE Server 2.x.x using the VI client
- Link1
- Link2
