giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

vCli 4.1 new command

Yeterday I tryed some cmmand on the vMA appliance for my study to the VCAP certification.

I Added the test vCenter with vifp addserver and than I want to list the client inside the Virtual Center. The response is here vicfg-hostops -o info --viserver vservertest and it returns the list of the ESX! Great!

On this document I find another great think of vMA for the migration from ESX to ESXi! The ability to kill an hung vm from the cmdline: now with the esxcli vms vm kill you can kill a vm that don't respond from the gui! Very Nice!


venerdì 15 ottobre 2010

NFS export on Virtual DataMover on EMC Celerra

Just a little link for me, and Powerlink is not always easy to use...

First I create the desired folder structure using the Window file share.
Next I ran this command to create the NFS export on the vdm –
“server_export server_2 -Protocol nfs /root_vdm_1/production-FS/unix/nfs1 -option root=,rw=”


giovedì 7 ottobre 2010

vRanger 4.5.3 backup issue after upgrade to vSphere 4.1

Hi All,

last week I upgrade our production farm to vSphere 4.1 ESX, not ESXi.
After the upgrade I reenable the root login over ssh and reenter the credential on the vRanger console for the ESX.

All the backup on 3 of the 5 esx in the cluster fails with this errorFailed to acquire vm lock /vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx242/.vzmutex due to an SSH connection issue.

After some tricks and reserch I found this article that helps me to resolve the issue.

On the 3 esx with the error I remove the direcotry .vzbin under /tmp and than the backup goes fine.
